Saturday, March 08, 2008

Hoax e-mails

I read an article this morning on about hoax e-mails and it just re-inforces what I have believed for a long time: it's so easy to mislead people. You’ve all seen them. The one’s I really hate are the religious mumbo-jumbo mails– something along the lines off “if you pass this on to 10 people some god or the other will miraculously shower you with good fortune….” Then there are the faked (photo-shopped) pictures – great to look at, but I mean really, if the picture is logically too fantastic to be true, then it is most probably faked.
I receive these type of mails all the time, and I tried once to let the sender know that he was duped, but I got a reply that castigated me for pointing this out, not from the sender, but from one of the recipients - really strange. So these days, I just delete the mails without sending sarcastic replies to the sender.
Anyway, I have today sent out a mail to all my family and close friends warning them about hoax mails and to be more aware and circumspect about passing them on. Be aware, don’t get taken in – Microsoft/Bill Gates is not going to pay you any money nor is any imaginary god going to shower you with money. You want money, work for it, you want good luck, dream on…

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