Friday, March 14, 2008

Traffic Intersection Panhandlers

Have you noticed the proliferation of university, college and even school kids at traffic intersections recently, "collecting" funds for some lame "educational" trip or sports event. I'm accosted nearly every day, mostly in the afternoons, on my way home from work. I'm not shelling out money to these obviously privileged individuals, when I can contribute to genuine poor beggars, competing with them for space at these intersections, and who have more need of the money.

I've even come across people who are "collecting" funds for some or the other church or religious organization. As a matter of principle, I refuse to contribute money to any religious organization, which uses it to further religious goals. I will contribute to anyone collecting money for charitable organizations, though. Put another way, I am more inclined to assist with putting food into some one's belly, than religious crap into their minds.

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