Thursday, May 08, 2008

Exposing the Irrational

I have posted a few blogs already which question irrational beliefs, especially those concerning religion, and I intend to continue to do so, as new information comes to light. While catching up on the latest debates raging in the pages of Google Groups, I came across a person by the name of James Randi, who appears to have spent the greater part of his life exposing and debunking claims of supernatural powers such as those by faith healers, and by all accounts seems to be quite a well known sceptic. Instead of explaining in detail some of his work, I have attached a few videos from YouTube which I believe are self explanatory.

James Randi exposes Uri Geller and Peter Popoff

Peter Popoff vs James Randi 2007

James Randi examines faith healing

James Randi and an Astrologer

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