Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Traditionally, Mothers Day used to be the day the kids woke up their mums in bed, while serving breakfast. Thereafter mum got the day off, while dad and the kids took care of everything, well almost. These days it seems that just getting mum a (well deserved, I might add) gift will suffice, and then everyone is off to do their own thing. Well, this year since I'm over 600 Km away from my mum again, this blog will have to do until I visit in June (with a pressie off course).

Historically the celebration of motherhood dates back to ancient history with the Greeks who celebrated Rhea, the Mother of all Gods, and the Romans who honoured Cybele, their Mother Goddess. I am unaware of any Eastern tradition of Motherhood celebration which is contemporary with Greek and Roman history, but there most probably is. In modern times, Mothers Day is celebrated worldwide at different times, between 02 February in Greece and the 22 December in Indonesia, but the most common day for most of the world is the second Sunday in May, just as in South Africa. Off course, every day should be celebrated as Mothers Day, but unfortunately mums cannot be given so many rest days, as the rest of us will surely suffer greatly without them being there for us.

I've tried several times, to add a fancy animated card to this post, but I'm having trouble with pasting the HTML code. If I do get it right, it will be on my next post.

Anyway, to all mums the world over, have a wonderful day.

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