Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Twit of the Week - 05

My weekly rendition of the "twit of the week" is a little late this time around, but that's not because there is suddenly a dearth of twits. On the contrary, there are any number of twits each week, banging on the doors of the halls of twit-dome.

Take for example, Zwelinzima Vavi, Secretary General of trade union, Cosatu whose recent comments about "killing for Zuma" went unpunished by the South African Human Rights Commission. To top that, during a strike-march last week, the twit called on the government to zero-rate (from VAT) the five basic commodities. Four of the basic five commodities are already zero-rated. Seems like mouthing off with little thought, is second nature to this clown. But, he actually does not make it into the halls of twit-dome (not this time anyway). You see, last week, a trio of murderous delinquents "high on religion" managed to earn entry instead.

26-year-old Nicolette and 20-year-old Hardus Lotter murdered their parents, Gerhardus and Magdelena in an affluent suburb of Durban, South Africa. And the dirty deed was apparently done under the influence of 21-year-old Matthew Naidoo, a religious nutcase who claimed to be the "third son of God." Matthew told the siblings that God wanted their parents. You have to be pretty far gone to believe that you are a son of a non-existent God, and even more loony to actually allow yourself to be convinced to kill by such a cretin. As Voltaire observed "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

Now, will the "second-son-of-God" please identify yourself so that we can incarcerate you in a padded room, before you also entice someone to kill for your non-existent God.

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