Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Meeting Jesus by Accident

Driving home from work this afternoon, I approached a set of traffic lights at an intersection where a line of cars were waiting for the lights to change. As I approached the vehicle at the back of the queue, a white Opel Corsa hatchback, the first thing that caught my eye, was a large blue decal emblazoned with the word "Jesus" plastered across the upper half of the rear window. Only thereafter, did I notice that the rear end of the car was totalled; light clusters, bumper, wheel arch, the lot.

The first thing that crossed my mind was that this sorry-looking car had been rear-ended by someone desperately wanting to meet Jesus. I know it was a wicked thought, but natural nonetheless. Remember, I was first drawn to the Jesus-sticker, before I noticed the damage on the rear end. Damn, I am definitely not placing any decals on the rear of my vehicle and fish-signs are on top of that list. I most certainly don't want anyone crawling up my rear end to get in touch with God.

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