Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mugabe the Madman

Strange how events occur which are linked to each other. I was watching the Last King of Scotland on TV on Sunday night, about the demented dictator, Idi Amin and wondered how it was possible for such a cretin to rule over Uganda for so long and be allowed to cause so much destruction.

Then on my way to work this morning, I caught a snippet of news on the radio about Robert Mugabe's (Africa's latest addition to the demented dictator mantle) intention to nationalize foreign-owned businesses in Zimbabwe. This is the latest addition to his hair-brained schemes to utterly destroy what's left of this pitiful country. Why do people tolerate such idiots? Why do they allow him to remain in power? Why the hell do people still support him. Now, I'm not an advocate of voilence, nor do I condone state-controlled executions (in other words, the death penalty), but for the love of all that is decent, please make an exception in Mugabe's case and put an end to this miserable specimen by guillotine, a' la' French Revolution style.

Once he is out of the way, however, I fear Africa will produce another despot to replace him. Africa always does....


Anonymous said...

Lenny, restrain your anger at this guy. Read up a little history of British colonialism in Southern Rhodesia - his fight for liberation of his country and the settlement that culminated in the Lancaster House Agreement with the then Rhodesian Prime Minister and the British Government... find out how Britian reneged on the agreement and finally gave him the shaft.

Lenny Appadoo said...

He may have started out as a liberator, but he is now an oppressor. No matter what the British did way back when, this does not give Mugabe the right to screw up "his" country.