Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An Addiction

I didn't believe that the Internet could be addictive until I lost my connection around the 24Th of April. It seems my DSL modem had given up the ghost, and it left me totally lost. You will notice my last post was on the 24Th of April. The feeling was worse than when I quit smoking about a year and four months ago (yeah, I'm still counting since I have quit twice before and started again; but that's a different story).

I've purchased a new modem at some considerable cost, done some re-configurations and I'm in research heaven again. And, I can update my blog again. It's a strange feeling, not being able to log on, and surf. It's almost as if I had lost something very precious, like a death in the family. It's a feeling of emptiness. OK, that's maybe too far-fetched, and you're saying "get a life, it's only an Internet connection." So, maybe I need to go out more often, socialize more, become less of a nerd.

Actually, I quite like my new lifestyle, sedentary though it is. I've got to a stage where I don't miss the socializing. Apart from my charitable activities, the latest rock concert and travelling to new places, I don't care too much for socializing any more. At my age, I look forward to collecting information, learning new things, researching diverse subjects. Amazingly, I don't miss any of the fast life that characterized my younger years. I can still party hard, but if you want me to participate in your latest debauched event, please call to make an appointment. I'm busy indulging in my new-found pleasure - trawling the information highways of the world...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Death Penalty

In a country besieged by rampant crime and lawlessness, calls for the reinstatement of the death penalty has suddenly become widespread and more vocal. Traditionally, only the white population were in favour of the death penalty, but recently large sections of the non-white population seem to be in favour of its return. Even Jacob Zuma, the probable future President of South Africa has given clear indications that when in power, his government will seriously reconsider re-instating the death penalty. It is a strange development, given that the death penalty was abolished due to its association with our apartheid past.

It seems to me that the good people of South Africa, desperate for a solution, and spurred on by emotional, rather than rational thinking, are prepared to trade in some of their hard-won freedoms for a brief respite from the crime situation. Progressive democracies all over the world have repealed the death penalty, for the simple reason that it is barbaric. Only a few despotic governments still cling to this dark-age law, to maintain control of their subjects. The death penalty allows governments to carry out state sanctioned murder. All people who value their freedom should never allow their governments to enact such archaic laws.

Logically, the death penalty wont work in South Africa, because it is simply not regarded as a deterrent by hardened criminals who know that in order to be executed, you first have to be caught. And we all know that in South Africa, the chances of criminals being arrested are pretty much non-existent. The police force are ineffective at best and downright incompetent or corrupt at worst. Let's face it good people, you've first got to catch the crook before you can string him up from the nearest tree. So rather than waste valuable effort on re-instating the death penalty, let's concentrate on re-instating competence and ethics back into the police force.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Singing Sensation?

Over the past weekend, my friends and I were treated to a star performance by a little underprivileged girl, at a home for abandoned kids, where we were conducting our monthly social responsibility exercise. We have a group of dedicated guys who get together once or twice a month to do our bit for those less fortunate, usually by providing cooked meals. We call ourselves "Daxina Feeding Scheme" or DFS for short.

Enough about us, back to this remarkable child. While capturing this video, I was struck by the utter devotion, passion and obvious effort (for want of a better description) the child was putting into the song. It was an emotional moment. The child obviously has talent which needs to be nurtured. The guys from DFS have set up a meeting with the preacher of the Church this child attends, with a view to assisting financially or otherwise with regards to this child's further education and training in the field of music. I hope we can provide the impetus in what could be a promising future for the child.

I tried to get the video as clear as possible and cut out some of the wind noise, while keeping the file size down to a minimum. Hope you enjoy...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know...

Have you noticed how the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. This amazing piece of literary genius has been attributed to Socrates, by Plato, but that needs to be confirmed. It doesn't really matter who said it, it's just important that it was said, and needs to be understood.

For those who are not afraid to explore and learn, this paradox will become apparent soon enough. Your quest and thirst for knowledge will leave you extremely frustrated. Each new thing you learn will lead you to another new thing, and another, and so on. The more you uncover, the more remains hidden, that needs to be sought out and exposed. It is ultimately impossible to know everything. That is what makes life so fascinating, and also what will be my greatest regret on my deathbed; not knowing what new things I could have learned if I'd lived longer. For me, there can be nothing sadder than this, but if it's true what they say about your life flashing before your eyes on your deathbed, then I'm sure to have one heck of a long flashback, crammed with all the things I've learned.

It's no coincidence then, that this should lead me to criticise religion for the part it has played over the years, and still does in advocating closed thinking, and discouraging the pursuit of knowledge. It is well known that knowledge leads one to question, and awkward questions are anathema to religion. Religious texts such as the Bible, even advocated that knowledge is forbidden; only the Gods are supposed to possess it. For years (happily gone by), the religious establishment preached that all knowledge was already revealed within the context of "religious" doctrine, and that there was no need for the individual to pursue it on his or her own. For this reason, the scientific and academic community were harassed and vilified. It is still happening today. Bigoted, religious communities still refuse to believe scientific discoveries; evolution being one.

Luckily, for most of us, the thirst for knowledge is greater than the fear of Gods...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mediocre Music

After the spectacular My Coke Festival in March, featuring Korn, Muse, Chris Cornell, Kaiser Chiefs, Good Charlotte and 30 Seconds to Mars, I suppose it was too much to expect that some good live acts would follow to South Africa. Instead, currently we are being tortured with mediocre acts such as Akon, 50 Cent and James Blunt. I suppose we have to be thankful that Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, the Sugarbabes, Westlife and any boy-bands for that matter, are not scheduled to appear here any time soon.

Why is it that POP music is so obviously mediocre, the music so monotonous, the lyrics so dumb and meaningless? Take this song I happened to hear recently by Jordin Sparks featuring Chris Brown, "No Air," as a case in point. The lyrics go something like this:
"Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air? Can't live, can't breathe
with no air It's how I feel whenever you ain't there It's no air, no air"
Have you ever heard such inane crap? I'll tell you how you're supposed to breathe; but I won't bother. It's better you hold your breath, for a while, a long while. OK, that's harsh, but please don't tour South Africa, ever. I mean, the words to a song are supposed to be poetic, insightful, full of meaning and make you stop and think. POP songs contain some of the most mindless drivel you can imagine; anything that rhymes seems to be OK. What goes on in the mind of people who actually spend good money on this rubbish?

Well, there is actually hope it seems for South Africans of good taste, as, the Counting Crows are booked to perform soon. Oh, how I long to see real quality such as Pearl Jam, Blink 182, Dave Matthews Band, Foo Fighters, Green Day, The Killers, Linkin Park, Marilyn Manson, Queens of the Stone Age, Radiohead, Snow Patrol, System of a Down, The White Stripes, and Red Hot Chilli Peppers perform here in South Africa. Come'n Big Concerts, 5FM, really rich sponsors, make it happen. Save us from mediocrity.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Zimbabwe - Lessons in Quiet Diplomacy

South African President, Thabo Mbeki has maintained a so-called policy of quiet diplomacy with regard to the Zimbabwe situation. This policy apparently dictates that South Africa (and the world) should not interfere in the affairs of Zimbabwe, turn a blind eye to the deteriorating political, social and economic situation there, and insist foolishly that there are no problems existing, even though the election results of March 29, have not been released yet.

On Wednesday, while chairing a summit of the U.N. Security Council and African Union at the United Nations offices in New York, he failed to use the opportunity to show any form of leadership while millions of Zimbabweans and indeed the world, waited with baited breath for him to make a stand on the Zimbabwe crisis. Instead he chose to make the following facile statements at a news conference "We need to talk at all times with both the ruling party and the opposition," and "You've got to sit and discuss with them." Wow, what a revelation. When the world is waiting for you to say something inspiring, you say the equivalent of "water is wet."

This leads me to conclude that all is not well with the South African President. True to recent form, he has steadfastly refused to waiver from the course he has set for himself; one of denial. Is there something that forces him to hold this course? What could it be? Blackmail? Has Robert Mugabe got something on the President? Is it the same thing that prevents certain "wayward" Ministers in our own cabinet from being axed? What could Mugabe and our (wayward) Ministers possibly have on the President that could hold him to ransom and prevent him from making just and sane decisions? What other explanation is there for a reasonably intelligent President, as Thabo Mbeki to behave so irrationally?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

David Bullard Axed

David Bullard, popular columnist for the Sunday Times was axed about two weeks ago for publishing a story entitled "Uncolonised Africa wouldn’t know what it was missing". The reason proffered for his axing was that the article was racist and derogatory towards non-whites and Africans in particular. Having read the piece, I cannot understand what all the fuss is about. I found it to be satirical, slightly demeaning, but no less so than other similar articles. I have found Bullard's other articles in the past to be much more inflammatory. The article and subsequent axing has caused much consternation among all South Africans, resulting in vile accusations couched in hatred, emanating from all sides of the population.

Why is it after more than ten years of democracy and an ANC-led government in South Africa, does race play such a big part in the daily lives of everyone. Black and White (and let's not forget the other races) seem to be constantly goading and baiting each other with taunts that are either racially based or construed as such. Even common criticism of any particular groups of people, for example the government are considered to be racist. Can anyone say anything that will be considered as not condescending, inflammatory, demeaning or racist. South African society has become so hung up with this race based thing, that it hangs like a dark cloud over everyone, the only constant in our lives, apart from death and the taxman.

Given their past history, I can understand non-white South Africans being particularly sensitive to anything closely resembling racism, but it's time to lighten up. All commentary, written or verbal is not cloaked in racial abuse. You need to distinguish between blatant racism, overt racism and parody or satire, and respond appropriately. White South Africans on the other hand need not embroil themselves unnecessarily in striking back or provoking further reaction. They could also learn to be a little more circumspect about what they say, without resorting to hiding their true feelings outright.

Maybe more time needs to pass before South Africans of all colours will learn to accept each other. Maybe the past is still too vivid in the minds of many, mostly non-Whites. Maybe future prospects are a serious concern for others, mostly Whites. Which may well mean that the past and future is making it difficult for people to come together in the present. Whatever the case, race based hatred is boring, tiresome, sickening and mundane. We all need to make a concerted effort to lift ourselves out of this rut. The consequences of not trying? You figure it out...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More Creationist Rubbish

This is a follow-up to my blog about the Creation "Museum". I'm afraid the only words left to describe creationism consist entirely of expletives, so I leave you to ponder some videos from YouTube:

OK, the last one is below the belt, but I couldn't resist throwing it in. These videos are just a sample of what's available on-line. There are literally dozens of videos that expose creationist thinking as illogical and archaic. However, there are also apologist videos available, which when analyzed boggles the mind - do they seriously expect us to believe their rubbish. I'll leave you to find them, and have as much fun as I've had viewing them.

Americans, you gotta admire them

I've always been hyper-critical of America and the American people, for various reasons, some not very fair. My negative perceptions were fueled by imperialist American foreign policy and a succession of bigoted Administrations, mostly Republican. However, after recently visiting the USA again after more than ten years, I must admit a certain amount of growing admiration and respect for the American people.

What's impressed me the most is how they think BIG. Everything is done on a grand scale, 100-storey-plus skyscrapers, 16-lane highways, huge motor vehicles, planes, bridges, cities; huge everything. They are not satisfied with just going to the moon, or even Mars, no the desire to go even further is plainly evident. And they think of everything, to make life easier for the public at large; fantastic road and rail transport systems, convenient shopping, banking, entertainment, and the variety of everything available is mind-boggling. I could go on and on, but you get the point.

From watching television, the movies and surfing the Internet, you might get the impression that educational standards are on the decline, especially when listening to the youth's ignorance of what is going on in the rest of the word. But America is still at the forefront of scientific discovery and pushing the boundaries of technology, even if those involved are largely immigrants. It is evident that the community, institutions, available funding and the systems in place in America, encourage the radical thinking which lead to scientific discovery and improvements in technology.

And you have to admit, Americans are brave; they truly have big, you know what. The feats achieved in sport and recreation, the never-ending drive to go anywhere and discover new things; it's plain for all to see. Even though I don't condone acts of war, you have to admire these gung-ho Americans who seem to revel in this idiotic activity. Patriotism is taken to a new level in America; they really do want to die for their country. Guts and glory; deep down you gotta feel some admiration for these Americans who throw their lives away so freely.

Now if you guys will just elect a decent President, make some changes to your foreign policy, sign the Kyoto Protocol, and curb your interference in other countries, you will be on the road to true greatness, the likes of which have not been seen in the annals of time. A bigger UP to you when you get there...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Global Warming

Ok, jokes aside, global warming is a real threat. Those who don't think it's a problem have their heads up their arses. Recent visual evidence comes from the Antarctic where the Wilkens Ice Shelf is breaking up.

For more information go to: http://www.wecansolveit.org/

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Creation Museum

In March I posted a blog entitled "An Educational Weekend" where I stated that I had never heard of an exhibition of any kind about creationism. Well, guess what, such an exhibition does exist: the Creation Museum was opened in May last year in Petersburg, Kentucky, USA, to promote "young Earth creationism". Here the origins of the universe and life are presented literally as in the Book of Genesis from the Bible. In short, the museum (sic) apparently "shows" how the earth and life was created in 6 days, around 6000 years ago, while disputing the theory of evolution, and the generally accepted scientific basis for the Earth's age of 4.5 billion years. Strangely, the "museum" also goes to great lengths to showcase the existence of dinosaurs, which they maintain, were created by God and lived side-by-side with man.

The "museum" reportedly cost about $27 million to build, funded by donations from the public, rich local families and even a congressman. Naturally, such an absurd waste of money has drawn criticism from a wide range of people from the scientific community, the public at large, the general press, education authorities and interest groups, and even Christian groups, some moderate and those opposed to the young Earth creationist movement. Not surprising, considering that the exhibitions are based not on documented scientific proof, but on the writings of the Bible. Even the exhibitions claiming to be based on science (such as the dinosaur models), have been discredited as utterly false and misleading.

One well known author and blogger, John Scalzi, who was paid $5000 to visit the "museum", take pictures and report back, had this to say:

"And this is, in sum, the Creation Museum. $27 million has purchased the very
best monument to an enormous load of horseshit that you could possibly ever hope
to see. I enjoyed my visit, admired the craft with which the whole thing was put
together, and was never once convinced that what I was seeing celebrated was
anything more or less than horseshit. Popular horseshit? Undoubtedly. Horseshit
hallowed by tradition and consecrated by time? Just so. Horseshit of the finest
possible quality? I would not argue the point. And yet, even so: Horseshit.
Complete horseshit. Utter horseshit. Total horseshit. Horseshit, horseshit, horseshit, horseshit. I pity the people who swallow it whole."
And he's not the only person saying bad things about this abomination. There have been numerous responses to John's blog which can be accessed by clicking on the highlighted link. There is even a website that has been created to parody the "museum". However, it does not end there. I was even more dismayed to learn during my research, that there are several other "creation" museums either established already, or being planned: two in Canada, one in Germany, one in Serbia, one in Turkey, two in the UK, and believe it or not, no less than twenty four in the good old US of A. It seems that there is no shortage of gullible people in the world. The mind boggles at the amount of money being spent on perpetuating ignorance, which could be put to better use helping the starving masses in Africa and elsewhere.

You may have noticed that I have included the word museum in parenthesis throughout this blog. The reason is quite simple. The word museum is defined as "a building or institution where objects of artistic, historical, or scientific importance and value are kept, studied, and put on display" by the Encarta Dictionary, English (UK). The Creation Museum, most certainly does not conform to this definition, not by a long shot.
Picture and museum article derived from Wikipedia.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Further your education, further your career?

Further your education, further your career! That's what your company and/or HR department tells you right? Well maybe, if you're amenable to becoming a "corporate crook", then go for it. Let me explain what I mean.

I've been studying nearly half my adult life; engineering, project management, information technology, business management etc. because like everybody else, I wanted to work my way up the company ladder. Then, several years ago I began noticing something about big corporate companies; the one I worked for and others. It started about the time the company listed on the Stock Exchange, but the signs were showing even before this, while the American investors who owned a large percentage, were still literally running the company.

The change that struck me immediately was the release of the new Company vision and values. The one value that changed everything for me was "create shareholder value". This one statement authorized management to exploit labour resources and customers to enrich the shareholders. The CEO lay ed off large numbers of employees, made cuts in other areas and presto, the company declared a huge profit at the end of the financial year. Top and middle management received huge bonuses, investors received huge dividends, while the majority of the employees got a pittance.

This is not unique to this company; it happens in every large corporation all over the world, where shareholder greed (euphemistically called shareholders' equity by companies) takes precedence over customer and employee well being. Corporate greed may fuel the economy (so they claim), but it only makes the rich, richer, and the poor remain where they are.

That's a roundabout way of explaining why I don't study any further to climb the corporate ladder. Put simply, I refuse to become a tool of exploitation in the hands of the corporatocracy. I've witnessed how even union leaders, become prey to the corporate hierarchy's greed. Once they get their grubby hands on you, they turn you into one of them; you eventually become distanced from your roots. You become the investors latest acquisition; they now own you and you will be forced to do their bidding, or you're out on your ass. I'll stay where I am, thank you.

Actually, I do study further, but not the things that will add to my list of qualifications and make me a corporate crook. I study things that make me happy, like photography, videography, history and the sciences. Things that improves my mind, and makes me a better person. I wont get rich, but my mind will belong only to me.

Cool Quotes

I've just found some cool new quotes, that I thought I'd share:

"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool"- Voltaire

"Religion, a daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable" - Ambrose Bierce

"So many gods, so many creeds
So many paths that wind and wind
While just the art of being kind
Is all the sad world needs" - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"When a woman gets too old to be attractive to Man, she turns to God" - Honore de Balzac

The last one may sound sexist, but it's frighteningly true. I've seen it happen. You've seen it happening too, just admit it. However, I must concede that it does not apply to all women. To those of you who are the exceptions, you will always remain attractive to me.

Monday, April 07, 2008

The Last King of Looney-land

You guessed it; I'm referring off course to Robert Mugabe, the lunatic wanna-be President for life. Just when it looked like the recent elections in Zimbabwe were going to confirm that the country had finally decided to oust him from power, he finds a way to cling on, unashamedly. I'm really pissed so I put together an open letter to this crackpot:

Dear Mug,

It's not like you need to cling on to power, because you don't have any options to keep you busy in your remaining years of dementia. Allow me to highlight some of the options open to someone with your peculiar qualifications:
  1. The American CIA are always looking for candidates to supplement their pool of tin-pot dictators, needed to prop up governments in minor countries with mineral and oil resources, which they (America) need to exploit. You are eminently qualified to become dictator-for-life in one of these countries and so help the Americans steal another poor countries natural resources. I'm sure they in turn will line your pockets with wealth and build you some fabulous palaces which you seem to like. While not busy scurrying around the countryside of your newly adopted homeland looking for your latest wife, you can still rant and rave about the despicable British colonialists, you so despise. The Americans hate them too.
  2. I'm sure your friends in China could use your expertise in suppressing the Tibetans. Imagine what fun you can have over there in Tibet, stealing from the poor country folk, and what a scenic location for your latest royal palace.
  3. What about settling right here in South Africa. Your good old friend and avid supporter, Thabo Mbeki could use someone like you in his cabinet. You see, right now, he still has one or two good Ministers in his cabinet who are spoiling the image of the rest of the incompetent nincompoops he has strung together. You would be an ideal candidate to replace let's say, Trevor Manuel. This Ministers' good work is really showing up the incompetence of the rest of this motley Cabinet crew, and that just wont do. Thabo needs you to take over and introduce South Africa to the kind of amazing feat you have pulled in Zimbabwe; yes, letting inflation chalk up the 100 000% mark.
  4. And, if by some chance none of the above alternatives appeal to you, you could always contact the Saudi Arabians (maybe the Libyans) to arrange your care-free retirement in the sun, just like your idol, Idi Amin, did.

So you see, there is really no need to contest the elections. Just fire your election staff, who it seems were not competent enough to rig the elections sufficiently to give you the majority (they must have miscalculated all those extra ballot papers that you printed), pack your bags and choose an option above. Either way, just go....



Sunday, April 06, 2008

A New Menace on our Roads

I passed a minor accident scene the other day in Randburg and counted about four tow-truck vehicles that had converged like vultures to a kill. You may think this is ridiculous, but I've noticed even more tow-trucks at other accident scenes, only slightly more serious. They had apparently also arrived on the scene much sooner than the traffic police. How do they manage such a feat?

I've heard that they use radios which can tune in to the police frequencies, Surely this can't be legal and surely the police are aware of this. So what are they (the police) doing about it? Nothing as usual! I digress. So, what is it about about tow-truck vehicles that I consider a new scourge on our roads?

It's not that so many of them arrive at an accident scene, nor how they find out about the accident at the same time, or sooner than the police. It's the manner in which they get there and the time it takes them to arrive. Yes, tow-truck drivers are fast replacing taxi drivers as the new kings of reckless driving, and showing the finger to road rules and regulations. It's impossible not to miss these assholes driving with reckless abandon, breaking every rule of the road, and literally forcing you out of the way in their efforts to get to the scene of an accident. And amazingly, the police are never around to stop this madness, or more accurately, don't care.

The other menace I've noticed, which is occurring ever more frequently lately, is the high-speed escorting through traffic, of so called high-profile public service figures, especially politicians, by the police. And, I suspect, even low-ranking public servants from local Metro Councils and local government have cottoned on to this despicable way to travel, and are abusing it with gay abandon. Why do scum-bag politicians (the Health Minister has been reported as a known culprit) and other civil servants have a right to commandeer police vehicles which we are told are in short supply, to form a high-speed cavalcade through traffic, and inconvenience us who pay for these resources in the first place. I have personally witnessed how these motorcades arrogantly force other motorists aside as they rush through traffic.

Police-escorted politicians in fast motorcades, are reminiscent of tin-pot dictatorships around the world. Are we too, heading there?

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Lenny's Theory of Creative Evolution

As I sip a glass of Shiraz and listen to Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman, a new theory of man's creation and evolution has just struck me. I shall call it Lenny's Theory of Creative Evolution. You see, this particular theory proposes two distinct paths to man's current presence here on earth; there are in fact two branches of man living side by side on earth.

In the beginning, some time after the Big Bang, life started quite by accident as a single cell organism, which over the years evolved into the present form of the one branch of man as we know it today. This branch of man started out primitive and unintelligent, but is continually progressing into super intelligent beings. They are characterized by rational, clear and logical thinking and the ability to take control of, and be responsible for their own lives, free of superstitious fear of the unknown. Although this branch of man is in the minority, it has demonstrated its tenacity in surviving great odds through evolutionary change, and is destined to thrive and succeed well into the future.

The other branch of man was created whole (out of dust) in its current form right at the beginning, by an imaginary super being called God. This branch of man was created in the image of this imaginary super being; strong and intelligent and did not have to bear the agony of change and constantly having to survive among the fittest. However, in all that perfection, there was one debilitating flaw in this species of man; written into its genetic makeup was the "code of servitude". You see, this imaginary God, in a fit of vanity imprinted this genetic code into this branch of man to ensure their complete and utter dependence on IT (the imaginary God). The "code of servitude" works on the mind, ensuring that it stays perpetually enslaved to this imaginary God through fear and superstition. Clearly, since being created, this group has been in decline ever since.

Thus today, whereas, the branch of man that has evolved is going from strength to strength (a unique characteristic of evolution), the branch of man that was created is doomed to extinction.

OK, so my theory wont wash, but I still maintain that I belong to the evolutionist group.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I'm 42

Yep, turned 42 today, at about 1AM this morning to be exact. Actually I feel great for a 42-year-old. Apart from the odd creaking joint and sore muscle, I'm fit as a fiddle. My mind is as lively as it was more than 20 years ago. I'm still searching for the meaning of life and trying to save the world in between.

Normally it would be quite pathetic to be home on your birthday (writing a blog), but this year I've decided to have a quite one. No partying for me this year. Jeez, I must be turning into a responsible adult or something.

Think I'll catch the documentary about plate tectonics on National Geographic, have some wine, then watch some Champions League football later on. Pity Arsenal aren't playing tonight though. Would have been a great birthday present to watch them trash Liverpool.

Lame right, yeah I know....