Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An Addiction

I didn't believe that the Internet could be addictive until I lost my connection around the 24Th of April. It seems my DSL modem had given up the ghost, and it left me totally lost. You will notice my last post was on the 24Th of April. The feeling was worse than when I quit smoking about a year and four months ago (yeah, I'm still counting since I have quit twice before and started again; but that's a different story).

I've purchased a new modem at some considerable cost, done some re-configurations and I'm in research heaven again. And, I can update my blog again. It's a strange feeling, not being able to log on, and surf. It's almost as if I had lost something very precious, like a death in the family. It's a feeling of emptiness. OK, that's maybe too far-fetched, and you're saying "get a life, it's only an Internet connection." So, maybe I need to go out more often, socialize more, become less of a nerd.

Actually, I quite like my new lifestyle, sedentary though it is. I've got to a stage where I don't miss the socializing. Apart from my charitable activities, the latest rock concert and travelling to new places, I don't care too much for socializing any more. At my age, I look forward to collecting information, learning new things, researching diverse subjects. Amazingly, I don't miss any of the fast life that characterized my younger years. I can still party hard, but if you want me to participate in your latest debauched event, please call to make an appointment. I'm busy indulging in my new-found pleasure - trawling the information highways of the world...

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