Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Americans, you gotta admire them

I've always been hyper-critical of America and the American people, for various reasons, some not very fair. My negative perceptions were fueled by imperialist American foreign policy and a succession of bigoted Administrations, mostly Republican. However, after recently visiting the USA again after more than ten years, I must admit a certain amount of growing admiration and respect for the American people.

What's impressed me the most is how they think BIG. Everything is done on a grand scale, 100-storey-plus skyscrapers, 16-lane highways, huge motor vehicles, planes, bridges, cities; huge everything. They are not satisfied with just going to the moon, or even Mars, no the desire to go even further is plainly evident. And they think of everything, to make life easier for the public at large; fantastic road and rail transport systems, convenient shopping, banking, entertainment, and the variety of everything available is mind-boggling. I could go on and on, but you get the point.

From watching television, the movies and surfing the Internet, you might get the impression that educational standards are on the decline, especially when listening to the youth's ignorance of what is going on in the rest of the word. But America is still at the forefront of scientific discovery and pushing the boundaries of technology, even if those involved are largely immigrants. It is evident that the community, institutions, available funding and the systems in place in America, encourage the radical thinking which lead to scientific discovery and improvements in technology.

And you have to admit, Americans are brave; they truly have big, you know what. The feats achieved in sport and recreation, the never-ending drive to go anywhere and discover new things; it's plain for all to see. Even though I don't condone acts of war, you have to admire these gung-ho Americans who seem to revel in this idiotic activity. Patriotism is taken to a new level in America; they really do want to die for their country. Guts and glory; deep down you gotta feel some admiration for these Americans who throw their lives away so freely.

Now if you guys will just elect a decent President, make some changes to your foreign policy, sign the Kyoto Protocol, and curb your interference in other countries, you will be on the road to true greatness, the likes of which have not been seen in the annals of time. A bigger UP to you when you get there...

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