Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Atheist's Cross to Bear

Following the AvC (Atheism vs Christianity) discussion threads on Google Groups, I am constantly amazed (shocked really) at how weak the arguments are, from the faithful brigade. And yet, they persist with weaker and yet more disingenuous arguments, each time they are shot down by Atheist posts. It's not that hard to visualize them hanging onto a precipice, clutching onto the last few straws in desperation, while we Atheists pull them (the straws) out, one by one. It is pathetic in the extreme. And yet, this penchant to hang onto a discredited ideology, far from indicating a strong sense of perseverance, is an extremely dangerous proclivity.

Believers ask us Atheists why we care so much about their beliefs and faith. As a matter of fact, we are sometimes accused about being more concerned, obsessed even, with religion than they are. It is true we are overly concerned about religion and I've tried several times to come up with a rational reason why this is so. It has finally dawned on me that we are not so much concerned with religion as we are about the well being of the world. Yes, I now finally understand that Atheists are the world's minders. We provide rationality and reason in a religious-mad world; we are the only force left that is preventing these religious nut-jobs from plunging us back into the dark ages. It is entirely possible that if left unchecked they are liable to pre-empt global war to fulfill the "apocalyptic visions as described in Revelations". As fellow Atheist, Psycho Dave (David W Irish) warns us on his blog Fundamentalist Deceit: An American Tradition, the evangelical-dominionist movement is all too real.

As Atheists, we keep the religious crowd, who are potentially fundamentalist, in check. You might say it is our cross to bear. Fellow Atheists, stand up tall and proud everywhere...

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